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🎉 Post a job for free whilst we’re in Beta.

Hire top talent, from intern to advisor.


Please specify a single job role like “Business Development Manager” and avoid using accronyms. For example CEO should be written “Chief Executive Officer”.

Please specify the city or county where the job is located.

Please describe the role you are hiring for. Max limit: 750 characters.

Please select the type of position this is.

Please select the type of position this is.

Please select the level of experience required by the applicant.

Please select a primary tag to improve the visability of your listing.

Job Requirements

Please list the skills required by the applicant. Max limit: 96 characters per requirement.

Please specify the deadline for applications.


Please specify a URL address like “”.

Please upload a .jpg file.

Briefly describe what your company does. Max limit: 300 characters.

Company Highlights

Sell your company in 4 bullet points. Max limit: 96 characters per highlight.

Please select the number of employees currently working at the company.

Social Links

Used to Tweet about your listing. Please add the URL like “”.

Used to promote your listing. Please add the URL like “”.

Please add the LinkedIn address of the founder.

Please provide your email address. This will remain private.